Félicien Rops (1833-1898)

Félicien Rops (1833-1898)
Félicien Rops (1833-1898)
Pornokrates or La Femme au cochon , 1896
Print-Multiple on wove paper 68 x 45.3 cm
Engraving in colors n°33/115
Engraved by Albert Bertrand, a marking engraving based on the original watercolor by Félicien Rops from 1878.
Edited by Gustave Pellet n° 33 in a presumed edition of 115.
Ottokar Mascha, Felicien Rops und sein Werk, Munich, 1910, no. 711, pp. 284-285 (a black and white print illustrated)
Maurice Exteens, L'oeuvre gravé et lithographié de Félicien Rops, Paris, 1928, no. 853
Robert Delevoy, Gilbert Lascault, Jean-Pierre Verheggen, Guy Cuvelier, Félicien Rops, Brussels, 1985, pp. 152-155 (the original watercolour and a series of 16 prints of the subject illustrated)
'Pornokrates or La Femme au Cochon is arguably Rops' most famous image.
In a letter to his friend Henri Liesse, Rops described the creation of the Pornokrates watercolour:
‘I had the opportunity to see and kiss the black silk stockings with red flowers of a young girl whose lover is in Monaco.
I placed her nude like a goddess, I had her wear long black gloves on these long beautiful hands that I clasped for three years, and on top, I coiffed her hair like those in Gainsboroughs, in black velour ornamented with gold, which gives the girls of our era the insolent dignity of women of the seventeenth century.
The drawing pleases me.
I want to show you this beautiful nude girl, shod, gloved and coiffed in black, silk, skin and velvet, her eyes blindfolded, walking on a pink marble frieze, led by a pig with a golden tail in front of a blue sky.
Three loves (cupids) - the ancient loves - disappear crying...I made this in four days in a blue satin salon, in an overheated apartment, filled with odours, where the opopanax and cyclamen gave me a small fever beneficial to the production and to the reproduction. And so, my Pornokrates is finished. I have no idea to whom I could sell this work, but I don't care!'
(Letter to Henri Liesse, 8 January 1879).
Ma Pornocratie est faite. Ce dessin me ravit. Je voudrais te faire voir cette belle fille nue chaussée, gantée et coiffée de noir, soie, peau et velours, et, les yeux bandés, se promenant sur une frise de marbre, conduite par un cochon à "queue d'or" à travers un ciel bleu. Trois amours — les amours anciens — disparaissent en pleurant […] J'ai fait cela en quatre jours dans un salon de satin bleu, dans un appartement surchauffé, plein d'odeurs, où l'opopanax et le cyclamen me donnaient une petite fièvre salutaire à la production et même à la reproduction.