Anne-Pierre De Kat (1881-1968)

Anne-Pierre De Kat (1881-1968)


Anne-Pierre De Kat (1881-1968)
Oil on canvas, 204 x 122 cm
Signed and dated 1927

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Anne-Pierre De Kat (1881-1968)

This Dutchman, born in Delft, soon made his way to Gent with his fellow townsman Willem Paerels, were he followed sculpture courses under Jules Van Biesbroeck. Later he went to the Royal Academy of Brussels which he finished in 1902 together with Rik Wouters.

After starting out as a sculptor, he devoted himself solely to painting and settles himself in Brussels. Before the war he exhibited in different Brussels art circles like La Libre Esthétique and le Salon des Indépendants. In 1913 he exhibited in the Galerie Georges Giroux together with Jean Brusselmans and Edgard Tytgat.

Enrolled as a volunteer in the Belgian army in 1914, he was early wounded and evacuated to England. He rejoins the army in 1915 till the end of the war.

On demand of Queen Elisabeth he was transferred to the Section artistique de l’armée Belge en Campagne in the Panne and received the Belgian citizenship in 1920.

From that time on he exhibited regularly  in the leading Brussels Galleries of that time: Galerie Georges Giroux, Le Centaure and Galerie Manteau. He took part in the triannal Salons as well in numerous  large group exhibitions, like   Vie et Lumière,  La Libre Esthétique  and on the Salon d’Automne  in Paris

Together with Fernand Schirren, Rik Wouters, Médard Maertens and Edgard Tytgat, he is considered as a representative of Brussels  Fauvist . His later work of the thirties was more sober in colour, with lots of brown colours.