Marcel Caron (1890-1961)

Marcel Caron (1890-1961)


Marcel Caron (1890-1961)
Portrait of a woman
Charcoal on paper 27.5 x 21.4 cm
signed and dated 1944
Provenance: Album amicorum given to Charles Bernard on December 1955 by the Conseil National Belge des Arts Plastiques on the occasion of his 80th birthday

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Marcel Caron  (Enghien-Les-Bains, 1890 – Seraing, 1961)  starts his career under the patronage of his father, himself an artist and who introduces him to the techniques of Impressionism in the style of the Barbizon School.
Nevertheless, his style evolves rapidly during the twenties to expressionism, mainly under the infuence of the Flemish Expressionists such as Frits Van den Berghe and Constant Permeke.
It is in this period that he exhibits at the famous Brussels Gallery Le Centaure .

 After a very fruitful period, the artist stops all activity at the beginning of the thirties to devote himself entirely to the business of interior decoration. In this period, which lasts nearly 15 years, he is solely preocupied with his professional activities as an interior decorator. During this period he did still make sculpures. It is only at the beginning of the second World War that he took up his brushes , never to leave them again.
Always searching for his style, he devotes himself to stillive and landscape painting.
Later on he slides into abstaction and exploits this genre till the end of his career.